Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With M,N,O,P

Concept Explanation

Paronyms and Homonyms Beginning With M,N,O,P

Paronyms and Homonyms : - Confusion is often caused in understanding the meanings of certain words because they are either similar in meaning and form or similar in their sound of pronunciation. The words which are different in meaning or use but are similar in form or derivations are called Paronyms. On the other hand Homonyms are similar in their sound pronunciation but different in meaning They are also called Homophones (different in spelling and meaning but pronounced alike). In Modern English Paronyms and Homonyms (Homophones) are not much distinguished.

1. Maze : - (winding paths) The walled city is full of mazes.

    Maize : - (a kind of corn) Maize grows in abundance in Africa.

2. Memorable : - (worthy of remembering) In the plays of Shakespeare we find a lot  of memorable quotations.

   Memorial : - (statue or anything in the memory of) We collected money to erect memorial in the memory of war heroes.

   Immemorial : - (longer than people can remember) The religious rites of the Hindus are immemorial tradition.

3. Momentary : - (short lived) One should not run after the wordly pleasures as they are momentary.

    Momentous : - (very important) Operation 'Shakti' at Pokhran was the momentous event in the history of independent India.

4. Morale : - (the state of spirit, confidence) The morale of the army should always be high.

    Moral : - (sense of right and wrong, lesson) We are advised to pursue a moral course of life.

5. Maritime : - (relating to sea, or ships) Once Britain was a great maritime power.

    Marine : - (found in the sea/trade by sea) India should develop marine trade to earn foreign exchange.

6. Manifest : - (obvious, evident) It should be manifest to all by now that China and Pakistan are inciting trouble on our borders.

    Manifestation : - (act or desire that makes obvious) Indiscipline among the youth is just a manifestation of serious national evil.

7. Negligible : - (unimportant) The dacoits attacked his house yesterday night but his loss is negligible.

    Negligent : - (careless in duty) We should not be negligent in our duty.

   Neglectful : - (careless) He is so neglectful that he doesn't care for his family's interest.

8. Notable : - (creditable) India has made a notable progress in the field of agriculture.

   Noticeable : - (easy to notice) There is noticeable improvement in the patient.

   Notorious : - [famous (unfavourable)] Our political leaders are notorious for their apathy to public interest.

   Noted : - (famous) The leader is noted for his honesty.

9. Observance : - (compliance) In order to remain healthy observance of certain simple rules is required.

   Observation : - (notice) Children have very keen observation power.

10. Ordinance : - (a government order) The government has issued an ordinance against the people who do not pay the taxes on time.

     Ordnance : - (a gun) There is an ordnance factory at Kanpur.

11. Official : - (pertaining to office) You are bound to maintain official secrecy.

     Officious : - (ready to offer services, flatterer) Beware of officious fellows.

12. Organisation : - (institution) He is working in a non-government organisation.

     Organism : - (living beings with parts working together) Human organism is a complex system,

     Organic : - (of an organ) Organic diseases destroy the organs.

13. Petrol : - (fuel) Petrol is very costly these days.

      Patrol : - (go round) The patrol van is regularly moving on the highway day and night for our protection.

14. Providential : - (divine) My friend's providential escape at the critical moment saved his life.

     Provident : - (frugal, thrifty) She is quite provident and economical in  household expenses.

     Providence : - (divine force) Trust in providence for good days.

15. Practical : - (not theoretical) The scientist gave a practical demonstration er his experiment.

     Practicable : - (Capable of being practised) Only practicable schemes are adopted  by our Managing Director.

16. Proscribe : - (ban, prohibit) Indecent books are generally proscribed by the  government.

     Prescribe : - (recommend, advise) Doctor has prescribed a very efficacious medicine for the treatment of the disease.

17. Popular : - (admirable) As Mrs. Neena is a very kind teacher, she is very popular with her students.

     Populous : - (thickly populated) China is the most populous country in the world.

18. Pale : - (bloodless, yellowish) Due to his prolonged sickness he looks very pale now.

     Pail : - (container) A pail full of milk was lying in the kitchen.

19. Pair : - (double of a thing) I gave a pair of new shoes to my brother on his birthday.

     Pare : - (trim) Please pare your finger nails regularly.

20. Pane : - (window glass) Our window pane was broken by the children who were playing Cricket outside our house.

     Pain : - (suffering of mind or body) She was feeling pain in her neck.

21. Peel : - (to remove the skin) Please wash the mangoes before you peel  them.

     Peal : - (a loud sound) On hearing his jokes all of us went into a peal of laughter.

22. Personal : - (private) We were asked to express our personal views on this subject in the debate.

     Personnel : - (persons employed) The personnel department has issued termination notice to Sachin.

23. Punctual : - (at fixed time) Punctual students alone deserve a splendid success.

      Punctilious : - (very careful in duty) We are taught to be very punctilious in our work in the school.

24. Prudent : - (wise, careful, foresight) It is prudent on her part to break with selfish friends.

     Prudential : - (of prudent actions, policy) The prudential actions of my father  saved the family from financial crisis.

25. Precedent : - (previous exampln) The lawyer cited many precedents in support of his case.

      President : - (Head of Institwrion) Indian President is only de jure head of the government.

26. Physique : - (physical health) He is a smart youngman with a good physique.

     Physic : - (medicine) No physic has vet been discovered to cure cancer.

     Physics : - (a subject) Physics is my favourite subject.

27. Prey : - (hunt and kill) As national bird the Peacock is not a bird of prey.

     Pray : - (offer prayer) He prays to God daily.

28. Proceed : - (to move forward) Inspite of difficulties he praceeded with his enterprise.

     Precede : - (to go before) I have mentioned every detail in the preceding passage.

29. Politic : - (prudent, wise) It is not politic to flog the dead horse.

     Political : - (of politics) The political parties in India have no concern for the poor.

30. Prosecute : - (file a suit in the court) You are likely to be prosecuted in the court for violation of rules.

     Persecute : - (oppress) She was mercilessly persecuted for not bringing a car in dowry.

31. Pitiable : - (deserving pity) The condition of the family is pitiable on account of poverty.

      Pitiful : - (making one feel pity) It was a pitiful sight to see a beggar woman suffering from cancer.

32. Polity : - (form of government) Indian polity is not in a healthy state these days.

     Policy : - (plan of action) Honesty is the best policy.

33. Proscription : - (prohibition) The proscription of the newspaper was resented by the people.

      Prescription : - (recommendation) The prescription of medicine by the doctor proved very useful.

34. Putrefy : - (to rot) Many unclaimed dead bodies lay putrefying in the field.

     Petrify : - (turn into stone, stun) We were petrified with terror to see the ghastly sight of the carnage.


Illustration : - Choose the correct word from the bracket.

The  _________ of many pundits about destruction of the world didn't come true.  (prophecy/prophesy)

Answer : - prophecy

Illustration : - Choose the correct word from the bracket.

He has some __________ benefits in this project.   (monetary/monitory)

Answer : -monetary


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Choose the correct word from the options : - 

The ___________ of many pundits about destruction of the world didn't come true.


Right Option : C
View Explanation
Question : 2

Choose the correct word from the options : - 

We heard ______________ of trumpets.

Right Option : D
View Explanation
Question : 3

Choose the correct word from the given options:

The leader is _______ for his honesty.

Right Option : D
View Explanation

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